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James Maxson's Blog

Powershell lover, Windows Sysadmin, and most recently, Devops Engineer. Expect to also see posts about D&D.

  1. It's Dusty here

    It’s been a while! Never actually got around to posting the second half of the DMS tale, and it’s now been too long for me to wrap it because I don’t remember half the details. I do know that my team and I ended up leveraging other technology for our next online DB migration to Azure, which was it’s own pain, but not having to do a massive scale DMS project actually cut off several months of dev time. On the plus side, we’re fully migrated into Azure, so now the next steps of improving our product can happen! …

  2. Azure Data Migration Service - Prologue

    My company has been planning on shifting our production software service to a cloud service for quite some time, and the past two years we’ve been focused on getting our software to a point where we could perform a lift and shift of our data onto Azure. Initially our plan was to just move directly to VMs, but then Microsoft’s Azure SQL platform became rather enticing. It was cost effective (cheaper than running VMs of similar size), and easier to manage with an environment to keep it secure. …

  3. Windows vs Linux - Command Line life

    This is me mostly about why it took so long for Microsoft to even begin thinking about catching up to linux in the command line world. I love the recent work that has happened to Powershell, CMD, conhost, and most recently Windows Terminal, but honestly, it feels like it’s 10 years too late. …

  4. Life in 2019

    So I lied. Not every post is going to get code in it. While this is now hosted on github instead of an individually hosted page on AzureCloud, contents of this blog may range from Powershell, to C#, to things I’ve encountered and want to share, Dungeons and Dragons, so on. I may bring up things from work that I can share publically, specifically work I’ve done in Azure. I don’t know the extent yet, but we’ll get there. …

  5. Why now James?

    Introduction …