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James Maxson's Blog

Powershell lover, Windows Sysadmin, and most recently, Devops Engineer. Expect to also see posts about D&D.

Life in 2019

So I lied. Not every post is going to get code in it. While this is now hosted on github instead of an individually hosted page on AzureCloud, contents of this blog may range from Powershell, to C#, to things I’ve encountered and want to share, Dungeons and Dragons, so on. I may bring up things from work that I can share publically, specifically work I’ve done in Azure. I don’t know the extent yet, but we’ll get there.

Largely, this post is to figure out how easily I can update this blog without having to generate stuff locally. If I know how the layout is going to work via markdown, then I can focus on writing over worrying about look and feel, and let the autogeneration do it’s thing.

Shout out to Josh Gerdes for creating this theme. I love it, it works nicely, and it wasn’t too hard to customize it.

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