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James Maxson's Blog

Powershell lover, Windows Sysadmin, and most recently, Devops Engineer. Expect to also see posts about D&D.

It's Dusty here

It’s been a while! Never actually got around to posting the second half of the DMS tale, and it’s now been too long for me to wrap it because I don’t remember half the details. I do know that my team and I ended up leveraging other technology for our next online DB migration to Azure, which was it’s own pain, but not having to do a massive scale DMS project actually cut off several months of dev time. On the plus side, we’re fully migrated into Azure, so now the next steps of improving our product can happen!

Anywho, sorry for not posting. Even though I did a lot of work to make it easy as possible for me to create posts here, it’s not something I was actively doing and frankly, I think the world would benefit if I put more text down. On that note, I’ve deleted my twitter profile and replaced it with a mastodon account. I’m not real thrilled with what’s going over on in twitter land and considering how little I was using twitter, it just made sense. I don’t know if it’ll stick, but it’ll do for now.

I was impressed with how easy it was to update this jekyll site theme that I use to add an unsupported social network, though I’d like to get the proper font in there at some point. That might be a project for this next week, but we’ll see how long the current enthusiasm lasts.

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